When I reached the young and tender age of 27, I realized that I might be going through what some might call a "quarter-life crisis." Yes, it can happen and it's something that I struggle with on a day-to-day basis. As you continue to read this, you might realize that you are going through the exact same thing.....
On my 27th birthday, I realized that I am nowhere near where I thought I would be at this age. After I graduated from college, my plans for life seemed so clear. Get a great job in Corporate America, obtain my Masters degree, marry a wonderful man, and have a child. Is that what I really wanted or did society lead me to believe that is what I should want? Hmmm....interesting. I struggle everyday with trying to figure out what I want to do in life and how my existence could make a difference in this world. I just didn't think it would take 27 years and counting to figure it out. I've changed jobs twice since graduation, which isn't that bad compared to some of my peers. However, I have yet to wake up and say to myself "I love what I do!" Nope, not once. So, I decided last Fall, to go back to school to pursue my Masters. More money and more education = Stability, right? But will I be happy in the end? Is this really what I want to do or does it just seem like the right thing to do? And as far as finding that wonderful man,well, I'll save that for another blog entry. When I look around and realize that the majority of my friends are either married with a child or children, engaged or at least have a child, it sometimes makes me sad. It's scary to think that I might be alone for the rest of my life...who wants that? I don't want to be THAT woman that has the career and the all the material things that comes along with it, but goes home every night to a lonely existence. That's not the life that I envisioned for myself. And to be quite honest, I don't think that's the life that God has planned for me.
But I think I figured out the problem(yea, dont' we all). I believe we as human beings always have that urge to see into the future. We want to get to the prize at the end instead of just enjoying the ride. Even though I do become discouraged at times, I am slowly but surely realizing that life is a beautiful journey and everyday is a gift. Remember, this "quarter-life crisis" won't last forever....there's still that possibility of going through a "mid-life crisis." But look on the the bright side, maybe by then we would have found our place in the world. Enjoy your journey and live everyday like it's your last.
Until next time.....
You go girl! I'm getting closer and closer to that "mid-life" crisis, and it scares the crud out of me! lol I love your attitude though... thanks for the reminders!!!!
Awww...thanks! Don't be scared! lol Just take it one day at a time....Thanks again for following my blog!
I know what you mean by not being where you think you supposed to be. But I am learning from my 26 years of life that God controls where we are in our lives, and we are on his time. And maybe right now HE knows we aren't quite ready for what he has prepared for us. And the main thing is that we must learn the lessons he is showing us, or we may never get past where we are until those lessons are learned. I know it seems as if I go through the same lessons over and over. So the fault is on me if I don't learn from my mistakes. Good post keep it going.
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