Lately I've been having some heated discussions regarding interracial dating. This topic is very interesting to me and can often be viewed as controversial. Everyone has their reason(s) as to why black and white people people should not race mix when it comes to relationships. Let's look deeper into the reason as to why we shouldn't. Is it because society says it's not "right"? Or is it because you feel that you will be perceived as a traitor who has turned his/her back on your own people? Or is it because you have been told my your peers that you couldn't possibly have anything in common with "them"? These are just a few of the thoughts that I believe have crossed the mind of almost every black person that has ever considered dating a white person. However, I've had some people tell me that they have no problem with interracial dating but the buck stops marriage, no kids. Huh? If that's the case why even date? I mean, what if you decide that you really like this person? What would you tell him/her? "I like you and you're cool but I can't get too involved because you're white..." Ok...moving on....
This is a subject that I could talk about for days but I'll leave you with this....I personally have thought about dating outside my race but that doesn't mean that I don't have a deep love for my brothas( a VERY deep love) lol. I'm just saying that maybe it's time for me to start thinking outside the box and exploring other options but that's a BIG HUGE MAYBE! lol. But I would never judge someone because they found love and it just happened to be someone of the opposite race. I support finding true love...point blank period.
To be continued....
Oh and please share your thoughts on this subject! I'm interested to hear how you all feel about this....
To some degree some people don't want to deal questions, comments, etc. so they stick to what's safe just to avoid the conflict. More concern about what others would think versus what make them happy as an individual. Im guilty of playing it safe various situation. :(
I agree! I think that's why so many are afraid of venturing outside of the norm.
Thanks for your insight chica! :)
The thought of dating white women never crossed my mind until a couple of years ago when I was aggressively pursued by a white woman. I must admit it was VERY flattering. However,I just wasn't ready to take that huge step. But if I meet someone that I'm really connected to,I'm going in and it doesn't matter if she's black or white.
Great blog
The dynamic is definitely changing. Black women are definitely starting to be more open when dating. We're being told that the chances of us getting married if we only date black me are extremely slim so we are dating outside our race a lot more. I'm just not attracted to them for the most part. i've seen white men I think are cute but never one I could see myself. I dont even date light skin black men, I just love chocolate... but I have made it a mission that in 2010 I'm going to take more chances with dating, have more fun and step outside my normal preference
I just wrote about interracial dating on my blog also, its like we are thinking the same thing. I think Black Women should date outside thier race more. When a man want he wants he does not settle and neither should we, black women should open thier eyes and look outside the box.
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