Monday, November 09, 2009

A Special Thanks to Dr. Booker T. Washington....

This past weekend I attended the Homecoming of my Alma Mater..Tuskegee University! I become excited everytime I think about all the young, educated African-American males and females that were together in one place showing mad love towards one another. My experience at Skegee was priceless...I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Of course, there are certain things that I probably should've done differently, but everything happens for a reason...right? (lol)  I was amazed at how some people hadn't changed at all, but on the hand, there were some people that had done a complete that was funny.  I certainly saw a few people that made me think to myself  "What the hell was I thinking? Why did I not talk to him?" (lol)  But I only pondered for about 2 minutes...then I got over it!

I have several friends that did not attend an HBCU and I joke with them all the time that they missed out on a life-changing experience. Now don't get it twisted...Skegee definitely had her flaws! Having no lights or air during the middle of the summer in 110 degree weather.....running from roaches that were the size of a child.... standing in the registration line for hours at a time and then having to deal with attitudes from Registrar....BUT I honestly believe that having to endure those things changed me for the better.

 When I entered in as a freshman, I had life all fucked  oops... messed up! lol I really thought the world revolved around me and nothing else mattered. Materialistic was not the word for me...actually I don't have a word that could really describe my attitude back then. I came from a place where everyone had the same look, the same way of thinking....basically just on some dumb ish! The sad part is some people are still on the same thing they were on back then...absolutely no growth. Skegee saved my life! lol No, but seriously, I was introduced to so many different types of people and so many different ways of thinking. It felt so good to be able to walk down the street and speak to 30 people without ever knowing their name, but it didn't matter! On any given day you could hear dialogue from the West Coast, the Midwest, the East Coast, the Bahamas...that's crazy! From..."What up Joe?" to "That's Hella Crazy" to What's Good Son?" Man, y'all got me over here really reminiscing! (lol) This weekend brought back a lot of those memories and for that I am thankful. I am thankful for the friendships and bonds that were developed that will forever remain regardless of distance or time. I am thankful for my TUSKEGEE EXPERIENCE!

That is all....


Coretta said...

AMEN! From a Tuskegee Alum class of '98. I don't know if you attended this year but Washington Hall has been completed renovated and the campus looked wonderful. We peeped the new President as well. He was down on the field in a Tuskegee jacket and ball cap. Big change from Dr. Payton.

My Tuskegee Experience (and that of my 2 sisters and parents) were some of the best times of my life. We attend Homecoming (and usually the Turkey Day Classic) every year. Those who did not attend an HBCU missed out. I got my "majority" school in for law school. :)

Shunda said...

Hey family! I did go to HC this year and had so much fun! Washington hall, Logan hall and the new Business house all look great! Now if we can just work on a new stadium and a new Engineering building we will be good to go lol I always say Skegee grads are one of a kind...I've never seen people have that much pride for their Alma Mater but I wouldn't have it any other way...;-)